Data element | Input* |
Name of country | Lithuania |
Country code as defined in ISO 3166 | LT |
Domestic account number example Check also domestic Banks in Lithuania | LT12 1000 0111 0100 1000 |
BBAN** | |
BBAN structure | 5!n11!n |
BBAN length | 16!n |
Bank identifier*** position within the BBAN | Positions 1-5 |
Bank identifier length | 5!n |
Bank identifier example | 10000 |
BBAN example | 1000011101001000 |
IBAN | |
IBAN structure | LT2!n5!n11!n |
IBAN length | 20!c |
IBAN electronic format example (Check Iban) | LT121000011101001000 |
IBAN print format example | LT12 1000 0111 0100 1000 |
SEPA Country | Yes |
Contact details | Ms Virginija Bruziene Payment Systems Department Tel: +370 5 2680823 |
Additional national IBAN information | |
Issuer national codes (Name, web site) | Bank of Lithuania |
URL to list of national codes | |
URL(s) to national regulation underlying the use of IBAN | Lithuanian Standards Board |
* Please use same character representations as in the IBAN registry (see table below)
The following length indications are used :
n Digits (numeric characters 0 to 9 only) a Upper case letters (alphabetic characters A-Z only) c upper and lower case alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z and 0-9)
nn! fixed length
**BBAN: basic bank account number; an identifier that uniquely identifies an individual account at a specific financial institution in a particular country and which includes a bank identifier of the financial institution servicing that account.
***Bank identifier: an identifier that uniquely identifies the financial institution and, when appropriate, the branch of that financial institution servicing an account.
For example, IBAN used in Lithuania has the character composition LT2!n5!n11!n, it means -
- Country code (2 Character ISO country code - LT): LT
- Check Digit (2 digits - 2!n): 12 (This two digits represents the check digits calculated from the rest of the IBAN characters)
- Bank code (5 digits - 5!n): 10000
- Account number (11 digits - 11!n): 11101001000
i.e in this example IBAN print format is LT121000011101001000 which is total 20 characters (20!c).Also check the official SWIFT - IBAN Registry in PDF format and in Text format.