Data element | Example |
Name of country | Italy |
Country code as defined in ISO 3166 | IT |
Domestic account number example Check also domestic Banks in Italy | X 05428 11101 000000123456 |
BBAN | |
BBAN structure | 1!a5!n5!n12!c |
BBAN length | 23!c |
Bank identifier position within the BBAN | Positions 2-6, Branch identifier positions: 7-11 |
Bank identifier length | 5!n, Branch identifier length: 5!n |
Bank identifier example | 05428, Branch identifier example: 11101 |
BBAN example | X0542811101000000123456 |
IBAN | |
IBAN structure | IT2!n1!a5!n5!n12!c |
IBAN length | 27!c |
IBAN electronic format example (Check Iban) | IT60X0542811101000000123456 |
IBAN print format example | IT60 X054 2811 1010 0000 0123 456 |
Contact details | Mr. L. SICA Tel: 39 06 67 67 263 |