The Future of the Financial System

Time: 2 April 2009
Venue: Whitehall Place, London, United Kingdom
In this volatile economic climate, informed strategic debate is vital if financial institutions, regulators and policymakers are to create a stable and healthy financial system.
Key questions of this Conference:
- The state of the financial system: what is happening with market activity, regulatory frameworks and policy approaches?
- How successfully have the causes of the crisis been addressed? What more needs to be done?
- Financial supervision: how is the regulatory environment developing?
- Examining potential changes to accounting standards: what effect will this have on the industry?
- Effective risk management in the new climate: How can they avoid the mistakes of the past?
- How can financial institutions secure access to funding?
- The future of securitisation and credit risk transfer
Organized by:
- Marketforce and The Institute of Economic Affairs
For more info
- Tel: +44 (0)20 7760 8699
Fax: +44 (0)20 7490 2296