12th International Conference on Business Information Systems BIS 2009

Image of BIS 2009

Time: 27-29 April 2009
: Poznan, Poland

The BIS conference is by now a well-respected event joining international researchers to discuss the wide range of the development, implementation, application and improvement of business applications and systems. It is addressed to the scientific community, people involved in the development of business computer applications, consultants helping to properly implement computer technology and applications in the industry.

Main theme of the Conference in 2009 is "Information Systems for Agile Organizations". The theme reflects recent tendencies in making organizations more responsive for external conditions. On the one hand, improved methods for better data and information management are used. On the other hand, flexible information systems are developed. In both areas semantic technologies are heavily exploited. They allow to bridge various dimensions: personal, social, mobile, organizational and content-related. They relate internal data and external information. Finally, when applied to area of business processes, they permit to extend collaboration between organizations. All of these phenomena move forward the development of flexible business information systems.

Topics of the conference

  • Business process management
  • semantic business process management
  • adaptive and dynamic processes
  • supply chain processes
  • ERP implementations
  • integration of data and processes
  • collaborative BPM
  • Ontologies
  • creation, learning, population, evolution and evaluation of ontologies
  • ontologies for enterprise content management
  • natural language processing and cognitive science
  • semantic integration of heterogeneous semi-structured information sources
  • interoperability of heterogeneous information systems
  • business models for Web information integration and aggregation
  • Contexts
  • location-aware and geography-centric information systems
  • wireless and mobile applications
  • multi-agent distributed systems
  • semantic web personalization
  • ambient computing
  • Content retrieval and filtering
  • hidden Web search and crawling
  • data integration from Web information sources
  • modeling and describing evolving data sources
  • adaptive integration of evolving data sources
  • information gathering support for knowledge-intensive enterprises
  • search over semi-structural Web sources
  • business models for a content
  • Collaboration
  • knowledge-based collaboration
  • social networks and social wikis
  • enterprise mashups, Enterprise 2.0
  • infrastructures for collaboration (P2P, TSC, etc.)
  • semantic grid
  • security in distributed systems
  • Web-based model for discoverability, consumption, and reuse
  • Web services
  • service oriented computing (SOA)
  • semantic web services
  • composition, choreography and orchestration
  • open, decentralized self-service
  • trust and quality of service (QoS)
  • service level agreements

For more info http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl/...



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