Handelsbanken aims to be a universal bank, in other words, to cover the entire banking area: traditional corporate transactions, investment banking and trading as well as consumer banking including life insurance. Handelsbanken is strong on the Swedish market with more than 460 branches. During the last 15 years, Handelsbanken has been expanding its universal banking operations into the other Nordic countries, and in recent years also in Great Britain.
Handelsbanken is a universal bank, in other words the Bank provides services in the whole banking area. With 461 branches (30 June 2008), Handelsbanken is strong in the Swedish market.
Over the past 15 years, universal banking operations have been developed in the other Nordic countries, and since 2000 also in Great Britain. As at 30 June 2008 Handelsbanken had 40 branches in Denmark, 44 in Finland, 46 in Norway and 49 in Great Britain. In addition there are 35 branches in 17 other countries.
Handelsbanken's goals
Handelsbanken's strengths
Handelsbanken's corporate philosophy