Marfin Bank Romania

Address: 90-92, Emanoil Porumbaru Street, Sector 1, 010775 Bucharest, Romania
Telephone: (4021) 206.42.00
Fax: (4021) 206.42.81, (4021)206.42.82


Starting May 2008, Egnatia Bank (Romania) SA has changed its name into MARFIN BANK (ROMANIA) SA.

This was determined by the expansion process of the MARFIN Group that has acquired the mother bank, EGNATIA BANK SA Greece in April 2006.

Marfin Bank is the financial arm of the MARFIN group, a highly dynamic and strong group (that includes also insurance, leasing, other financial services) with activities in IT, Food Industry, Healthcare, Hotel/Restaurant/Cafe, Sea Transport, etc. and has presence, except Romania, in 16 other countries such as: Greece (Marfin Egnatia Bank SA), Cyprus (Marfin Popular Bank), Russia, Ukraine, UK, Australia, Malta, Serbia, Estonia etc.

Main activities of the Bank

Corporate and Retail Banking

  • Accounts: current and term deposit accounts in RON and foreign currency, cash deposits and withdrawals in RON and foreign currency
  • Credit facilities: loans, letters of guarantee, letters of credit, discount of bills of exchange
  • Electronic banking: MultiCash (local and international module)

International Banking

  • Foreign and domestic payments: money transfers, collection of bills of exchange and foreign currency cheques
  • Documentary collections: export and import collections
  • Documentary letters of credit: export and import letters of credit, short-term financing under letters of credit


  • Foreign exchange transactions and derivatives
  • Money Market instruments: placements and time deposits in RON and all major currencies
  • Treasury bills trading
  • Market analysis
  • Product developments

Consulting and other services

  • Financial Advisory services
  • Structured and Project Financing
  • Strategic advise on national and international investments
  • Business information to foreign companies
  • Acceptance and giving of mandates

Customer base and product range

The Bank focuses upon commercial companies and retail customers. A summary of the Bank’s customer base and key retail and commercial products is set out below.

Commercial banking

MARFIN Bank (Romania) S.A. services a variety of corporate and commercial customers active in diversified industries and sectors of the economy. The Bank offers a full range of banking products including but not limited to the following:

  • Current and time deposit accounts in RON and foreign currencies
  • Credit Facilities for working capital and other short term facilities in both RON and foreign currencies
  • Factoring of receivables
  • Medium term RON and foreign currency Loans to finance acquisition of equipment, premises or other capital investments
  • International and domestic trade financing products such as letters of credit, letters of guarantee, foreign exchange receipts and payments, and
  • Electronic banking (MultiCash)

Retail banking

MARFIN Bank (Romania) S.A. provides retail banking services to both resident and non-resident individuals. Retail products for private individuals include but are not limited to:

  • Current and time deposit accounts in RON and foreign currencies
  • Real Estate Loans and Consumer Loans
  • Safe deposit boxes
  • Local and International Money Transfers
  • Foreign exchange transactions
  • Bills of exchange and payments
  • Travellers’ cheques purchase



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-02-12

  • usd USD 1.0370
  • jpy JPY 159.22
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.075
  • dkk DKK 7.4583
  • gbp GBP 0.83338
  • huf HUF 402.63
  • pln PLN 4.1713
  • ron RON 4.9767
  • sek SEK 11.2895
  • chf CHF 0.9457
  • nok NOK 11.6620