MP Investment Bank

Address: Skipholti 50d, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland
Telephone: +354 540 3200
Fax: +354 540 3201


MP Investment Bank hf. traces its origins to 1999 when Margeir Petursson established MP Securities with an initial share capital of USD 1,6 million. Margeir Pétursson and Auður Finnbogadóttir were co-Managing Directors of the company.

MP Bank hf. is a rapidly growing, progressive financial company focusing on small and emerging markets in Europe with great success.

MP Bank provides clearly focused, professional services that meet international standards. The Bank offers comprehensive solutions for asset management for private entities and investors with different points of emphasis, handles the brokering of securities on domestic and international markets and handles diverse projects relating to services and consultancy to companies, municipalities and institutional investors.

The role of MP Bank

MP Bank is a progressive financial undertaking that focuses on providing exceptional services, reliability and professionalism. The principal goal of MP Bank is to achieve success on behalf of its clients, employees and shareholders.

At MP Bank, the interests of clients are always at the forefront, as is maintaining confidentiality.


Asset Management

Common Interests

  • Transparency
    • Thorough information on status and transactions – daily on the Internet
    • Detailed statements sent by mail on a quarterly basis
    • Itemisation of trading commissions
  • Personal consultancy services and active portfolio management
  • Expert knowledge of rapidly growing markets in Eastern Europe
  • Better business terms than in traditional market trading
  • Performance-linked commissions – their interests and that of the clients are always linked

Capital Markets

  • Professional advice on securities trading
  • Derivatives trading for professional investors
  • Favourable purchase and sales commissions
  • Custody of securities
  • Ready access to international markets

Corporate Finance

Provides services and consultancy relating to the purchase, sale and merger of companies, fairness opinions, as well as the financing of companies and institutions. In recent years, MP Corporate Finance has worked on diverse projects. These include:

  • Fairness Opinion
  • The financing of companies through share or bond issues
  • Listing and de-listing of equities and bonds
  • Purchase, sale and merging of companies and operating units

Human Resources

MP Bank is an innovative financial undertaking that places emphasis on exceptional services, credibility and professionalism. The principal goal of the company is to achieve success on behalf of its clients, employees and shareholders.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-02-12

  • usd USD 1.0370
  • jpy JPY 159.22
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.075
  • dkk DKK 7.4583
  • gbp GBP 0.83338
  • huf HUF 402.63
  • pln PLN 4.1713
  • ron RON 4.9767
  • sek SEK 11.2895
  • chf CHF 0.9457
  • nok NOK 11.6620