Alpha Bank

Address: Alpha Bank, 40 Stadiou St., GR-102 52 Athens, Greece
Telephone: +30-210-326-0000
Fax: +30-210-326-5438


The Olympics behind it, Alpha Bank is still going for the gold. The second-largest bank in Greece (after National Bank of Greece) was also the official bank of the Olympic Games held in Athens during the summer of 2004. Alpha Bank provides business and personal banking services through about 675 branches in Greece, Cyprus, and four other neighboring southeastern European nations, as well as in New York, London, and Jersey in the UK Channel Islands. In addition to loans, deposit accounts, and credit cards, the Alpha Bank group also offers asset management, investment banking, private banking, insurance, brokerage, leasing, and factoring.

Alpha Bank was founded in 1879 by John F. Costopoulos, when he established a commercial firm in the city of Kalamata.

In 1918 the banking department of the "J.F. Costopoulos" firm was renamed to "Bank of Kalamata".

In 1924 the Bank's headquarters were moved to Athens, and it was renamed to "Banque de Credit Commercial Hellenique". The Bank grew considerably in the last decades. Beyond providing banking services and products, it has developed into a major Group offering a wide range of financial services in Greece and in Southeastern Europe.

In 1999 the bank acquired 51% of the shares of the Ionian Bank. On April 11, 2000 the merger of the Ionian Bank was approved through absorption by Alpha Credit Bank.

The name of the enlarged, new Bank, resulting from this merger is Alpha Bank.


Alpha Bank is one of the largest banks in Greece. The Bank's activities cover the entire range of financial services. It is acknowledged as an innovator in introducing new electronic services, such as :

  • Alphaphone (banking services over the phone)
  • Alphaline (PC link)
  • Alpha Web Banking (banking services through the Internet)
  • Alpha Bank m-Banking (banking services over a mobile phone)

The Bank also offers shipping services and a wide range of deposits and loan accounts.

Together with the companies that comprise the Alpha Bank Group, it covers all aspects of the financial sector, providing comprehensive services in the following fields :

  • Financing services, through the companies Alpha Leasing and ABC Factors
  • Financial services, through Alpha Finance, Alpha Finance U.S, Alpha Asset Management Α.Ε.D.A.K. and the European Development Programs Management Company of Thessaly and Sterea Hellas
  • Investment services, through Alpha Ventures and Ionian Holdings
  • Information and other services, through Evremathia
  • Real estate, through Alpha Astika Akinita
  • Hotels, through Ionian Hotel Enterprises


The Bank's strategy focuses on two key sectors of activity offering the highest margins and the best growth prospects: retail banking in Greece and particularly loans to individuals and small business loans, and overall expansion in Southeastern Europe. Our strategy aims to create an even stronger and more efficient institution with significant benefits for their shareholders and customers. Their ambition plans for the next three years as set out in their Business Plan Agenda 2010, are being implemented with decisiveness, drawing upon their expertise and methodical work, on the back of strong growth dynamics and state-of-the arts infrastructure.

Being a Bank with a diverse shareholder base in which foreign institutional investors hold 45% of their shares, they strive to obtain sound returns and maintain investor interest at a high level. In this context, they are fully committed to implement successfully their Agenda 2010 Business Plan, targeting:

  • Net income in 2010 of at least Euro 1,400 million translating into 23% Earnings Per Share CAGR 2007-2010 and 30% Return on Equity
  • Accelerated loan growth, to produce risk weighted assets growth of 20% CAGR
  • Interim net income target for 2009 is set at Euro 1,150 million

Economic - Markets Research

Alpha Bank offers information about the recent developments in Forex, Euro Credit and Greek Bond markets.

Additionally, Alpha Bank monitors developments in the Greek and international economy and provides periodical information through a series of economic publications.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is part of the governance and corporate culture developed through a system of values, targets and activities.

Each individual and the respect of human values are the absolute priority for Alpha Bank.
Together with the efficient management of the financial resources and the modernisation of technology, they constitute the guide for every transaction or communication with staff, customers and shareholders.



European Central Bank
(ECB) Exchange Rates
Currency EUR 2025-02-12

  • usd USD 1.0370
  • jpy JPY 159.22
  • bgn BGN 1.9558
  • czk CZK 25.075
  • dkk DKK 7.4583
  • gbp GBP 0.83338
  • huf HUF 402.63
  • pln PLN 4.1713
  • ron RON 4.9767
  • sek SEK 11.2895
  • chf CHF 0.9457
  • nok NOK 11.6620